Reducing error quota usage

If your applications are sending more errors than your plan allows, this can result in error loss and reduced debugging effectiveness. There are several options to reduce your error quota usage.

Ignore noisy errors

Once you have identified a noisy error you can configure your notifier to avoid reporting it to Airbrake. Please visit your notifier’s GitHub repo if you don’t see your language in the examples below.

Ignore errors in Ruby

Airbrake.add_filter do |notice|
  notice.ignore! if notice.stash[:exception].is_a?(NoisyException)

Ignore errors in Javascript

airbrake.addFilter(function(notice) {
  if notice.errors[0].type === "NoisyException" {
    return null;
  return notice;

Ignore errors in Go

airbrake.AddFilter(func(notice *gobrake.Notice) *gobrake.Notice {
  if notice.Errors[0].Type == "NoisyException" {
    return nil
  return notice

Ignore errors in PHP

$notifier->addFilter(function ($notice) {
  if ($notice['errors'][0]['type'] == 'NoisyException') {
    return null;
  return $notice;

Ignore errors in .NET

airbrake.AddFilter(notice =>
  var exception = notice.Exception as HttpException;
  if (exception != null && exception.GetType() == NoisyException)
      return null;

  return notice;

Accept only a portion of noisy errors

Once you have identified the noisy errors that are depleting your quota, this config code will accept only a sample of the occurrences. This example is for our ruby notifier but you can use this strategy for any notifier that supports the add_filter configuration option.

noisy_errors = [Resque::TermException, NoMethodError, Redis::CannotConnectError]

Airbrake.add_filter do |notice|
  next unless noisy_errors.include?(notice.stash[:exception].class)

  # Ignore this error 90% of the time.
  notice.ignore! if rand(1..10) <= 9