
Installing Airbrake in a Svelte application

Key Features

  • Easy and flexible installation options including npm and Yarn
  • Send uncaught errors to Airbrake or manually using a try/catch
  • Add custom parameters to your errors for more context
  • Private source map support
  • Control which errors you send with customizable filtering options

Installation & Configuration

Sets up Airbrake to report errors and performance data. To adapt this example to your app, follow these steps:

Install the package

Using npm

npm install @airbrake/browser

Using Yarn

yarn add @airbrake/browser

Using CDN

Using <script> tag via jsdelivr:

<script src=""></script>

Using <script> tag via unpkg:

<script src=""></script>


Integration with Svelte is as simple as adding handleError hooks (Server or Client):

  • For server error handling, add handleError of HandleServerError type
  • For handle error of client add handleError of HandleClientError type

App configuration

// app.d.ts

// Add interface of Error

// See
// for information about these interfaces
// and what to do when importing types
declare global {
    namespace App {
        interface Error {
            message: unknown;
            errorId: string;

export {};

Server Hook

To establish an error handler for the server, use a Notifier with your projectId and projectKey as parameters. In this case, the handler will be located in the file src/hooks.server.js.

// src/hooks.server.js
import crypto from 'crypto';
import {Notifier} from '@airbrake/browser';

var airbrake = new Notifier({
    projectId: 1, // Airbrake project id
    projectKey: 'FIXME', // Airbrake project API key

airbrake.addFilter(function (notice) {
    notice.context.hooks = 'server';
    return notice;

// @type {import('@sveltejs/kit').HandleServerError}
export function handleError({error, event}) {
    const errorId = crypto.randomUUID();
    // example integration with
        error: error,
        params: {errorId: errorId, event: event},

    return {
        message: error,

Client Hook

To establish an error handler for the client, use a Notifier with your projectId and projectKey as parameters. In this case, the handler will be located in the file src/hooks.client.js.

// src/hooks.client.js
import crypto from 'crypto';
import {Notifier} from '@airbrake/browser';

var airbrake = new Notifier({
    projectId: 1, // Airbrake project id
    projectKey: 'FIXME', // Airbrake project API key

airbrake.addFilter(function (notice) {
    notice.context.hooks = 'client';
    return notice;

// @type {import('@sveltejs/kit').HandleClientError}
export function handleError({error, event}) {
    const errorId = crypto.randomUUID();
    // example integration with
        error: error,
        params: {errorId: errorId, event: event},

    return {
        message: error,


To test that server hook has been installed correctly in your Svelte project.

// +page.server.js

import {error} from '@sveltejs/kit';
import * as db from '$lib/server/database';

// @type {import('./$types').PageServerLoad}
export async function load({params}) {
    const post = await db.getPost(params.slug);

    if (!post) {
        throw error(404, {
            message: 'Not found',

    return {post};

To test that client hook has been installed correctly in your Svelte project, just open up the JavaScript console in your internet browser and paste in:

window.onerror('TestError: This is a test', 'path/to/file.js', 123);


Installation and configuration is just the beginning. The airbrake-js notifier supports many other advanced uses and options including:

Please visit the airbrake-js GitHub repo for more usage and configuration examples.