
Installing Airbrake in a Swift application


  • Captures unhandled exceptions and several unix signals
  • Reject exceptions from earlier app versions
  • Separate exceptions based on application environment
  • Attach custom environment variables
  • Supports custom exception logging

Running the notifier in Swift as framework

First you will want to add Airbrake-iOS to the podfile:

pod 'Airbrake-iOS'

Next add import Airbrake_iOS in your app delegate (if you run into issue with build, please refer to issue #58)

Finally, set up the ABNotifer in your app delegate at the beginning of your

func application(application: UIApplication!, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: NSDictionary!) -> Bool { block.

You can find your PROJECT ID and PROJECT API KEY from your project’s settings:

  projectID: "<Your PROJECT ID>",
  environmentName: ABNotifierAutomaticEnvironment,
  useSSL: true

And you’re good to go.

If you prefer, we also have instructions on running the notifier in Swift as static library and installing directly from source code

Going further

Please visit the official GitHub repo for more information on signals, symbolication, rejecting errors from earlier app versions, attaching custom environment variables and more.